Табулатура в формате Guitar Pro , содержащая следующие дорожки:

Voice Oohs

Additional Effects

Guitar I
Electric Guitar (muted]

Guitar II
Overdriven Guitar

Guitar III
Acoustic Guitar (steel]



Synth Bass 1


Additional Percussions
Con se quence I'm sca-red of swi mming in the sea Dark shapes mo-ving un-der me E-very fear i swa llow makes me small In-con-se-quen tial things oc-cur Alarms are trig gered me mories stir It's not the way it has to be I'm a-fraid of what i do not know I hate be-ing un-der mi-ned I'm a-fraid i can be de-vil man And i'm sca-red tobe di-vine Don't mess with me my fu-se is short Be-neath this skin these frag ments caught When i al-low it to be There's no con-trol o-ver me I have my fears But they do not have me Wal-king through the un-der-growth To the house in the woods The dee-per i go, the dar-ker it gets I peer through the win-dow Knock at the door And the mon-ster i was So a-fraid of Lies curled up on the floor Is curled up on the floor Just like a ba-by boy I cry un-til i laugh I'm a-fraid of be-ing mo-the-red With my balls shut in the pen I'm a-fraid of lo-ving wo-men And i'm scared of lo-ving men Flash-backs co-ming in e-very night Don't tell me e-very-thing's al-right When i al-low it to be It has no con-trol o-ver me I own my fear So it do-esn't own me Wal-king through the un-der-growth To the house in the woods The dee-per i go, the dar-ker it gets I peer through the win-dow Knock at the door And the mon-ster i was So a-fraid of Lies curled up on the floor Is curled up on the floor Just like a ba-by boy I cry un-til i laugh